Shimano Tech

Manuals & Technical Documents

Shimano Tech is a service offering manuals, instructions, charts and specifications for the full range of Shimano products.

This site publishes the following documents.

  1. User’s manuals
  2. Dealer’s manuals
  3. Service instructions
  4. Illustrated parts breakdowns

It also serves as a portal site leading to sites that publish the following documents.

  1. Line-up charts
  2. Specifications
  3. Compatibility

Search by keywords

A keyword search or the three following types of search keywords can be used to search for
documents on this site.

Usable keywords

  • Series
  • Component
  • Manual number

Technical documents

You can access sites publishing the following documents from the thumbnails on the top screen
or the navigation menu.

  • Line-up charts
  • Specifications
  • Compatibility

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